Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Something We Had Better Be Thinking About

American Values

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

To: Friends & Supporters

From: Gary Bauer

Obama’s Abortion Blitz

Barack Obama has been in office less than one month. In that time, he has launched a pro-abortion blitz against the values of millions of Americans. He has ordered tax dollars to pay for abortions worldwide. He has made it clear that his judges will be pro-abortion. Now Fox News is reporting that he will issue an executive order within days forcing taxpayers to subsidize life-destroying embryonic stem cell research.

The aggressiveness of Obama’s anti-life agenda is ironic given that new research suggests as many as 25% to 30% of people who identify as pro-life voted for Obama. This is particularly true of younger evangelical voters, who voted in larger numbers for Obama than they did for Al Gore or John Kerry in past elections.

Many are writing to me and asking what we can do. The American people overwhelmingly oppose abortion-on-demand and taxpayer funding of abortion. A recent Gallup poll found that Obama’s decision to allow taxpayer funding of abortions worldwide was the most unpopular decision he had made so far, with just 35% of those polled supporting the decision.

In the days ahead, I strongly encourage you to re-engage your friends and family members in this debate. Don’t say “I told you so,” but ask them what they think about how aggressively Obama is promoting abortion and the destruction of human life, even using our hard-earned tax money to pay for it.

A Shocking Irony

Late last week a disturbing story broke in New York when Muzzammil Hassan was arrested for murder. According to various reports, Hassan beheaded his wife, Aasiya, after she filed for divorce. Her divorce attorneys stated that her claim was based on “cruel and inhumane treatment” and numerous violent altercations with her husband during their eight-year marriage. A week prior to her death, she had obtained a restraining order against Muzzammil Hassan that forced him out of their house.

But the disturbing irony in this case is that Muzzammil Hassan ran a television station, Bridges TV, devoted to building “bridges of friendship and understanding” by portraying a positive, peaceful view of Islam to American audiences. Hassan once complained that “The level of ignorance regarding Muslims and Islam is very high in the United States.”

Some Muslim groups are trying to portray this incident as just another example of domestic violence, but not everyone is buying it. The president of the New York chapter of the National Organization for Women called the beheading, “a terroristic version of honor killing, murder rooted in cultural notions about women’s subordination to men.” I’m glad at least one feminist is speaking up.

Over a year ago, I wrote in this daily report about how some Islamic clerics actually teach young Muslim men the “proper” way to beat their wives by comparing women to “camels and donkeys.” As shocking as that is, the same ideology compares Christians and Jews to monkeys and pigs, turns its children into bombs, turns airplanes into weapons of mass destruction, vows to “wipe Israel off the map” and refers to the United States as “the great Satan.”

The level of ignorance regarding the threat of Islamofascism is indeed high. Sadly, as we have seen in recent days, from the closing of GITMO to dismissing charges against the mastermind of the USS Cole bombing, it now reaches to the highest levels of public office. I promise to do everything I can to educate our policy makers about the need to defend our values.

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