About an hour ago I sitting at the computer playing solitaire instead of cleaning the house. I suddenly paid attention to 2 plastic bags that for several months have been on top of the computer paper. (They weren't in the way, so why look in them?)
One sack has an external DVD or CD burner and/or player in it. I remember that this one quit working on our daughter's computer. My husband was supposed to test it out and then do whatever with it. (We think the hub quit not the player).
The other sack - what a wonderful surprise! I found my long lost mp3 player, stand with speakers, and earphones! I have been sitting here "rocking out" to Listz, Schumann, Beethoven, Bobby Vinton, Charlotte Church, Josh Groban, Enya, the sound track to Top Gun, and ???.
My daughter loaded the music on my mp3 player last May before we went on our trip, but we never listened to it. (My husband only listens to classical music when he is forced to go to our daughter's recitals.) I have no idea what else is loaded on here, and the player is set to shuffle so each piece that comes on is a surprise.
How cool are daughters and surprises?!
Pretty gosh darn cool, but I am not biased or anything.
I think that sounds great! Do you like classical music? You can stream our "local" classical station online - www.theclassicalstation.org -
Thankfully, we have a booster about 4 miles up the road, so I can pick it up in car and home without streaming online -
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